Kitty Free Press Blog

The World's Greatest Kitty News & Tips

Sunday, June 3, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Odd One Out

19. The Odd One Out
For this one you will need first to find two willing conformists.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Head Rush

18. The Head-Rush
Head to the ground, paws in the air - let gravity do the rest.

Friday, June 1, 2012

How To Sleep Lke a Cat - The Potluck

17. The Potluck
Think of yourself as a last-minute fruit salad that everyone will be very polite about but probably not enjoy all that much.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Clothes Dryer

16. The Clothes Dryer
Imagine that you are a wet T-shirt, fresh from the washing machine. Drape yourself accordingly.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Windowsill

15. The Windowsill
The whole world is your hammock.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Ruler

14. The Ruler
Measure the floor with every inch of your tiny body.

Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Librarian

13. The Librarian
Bury your furry little head in your paws and try to look as contemplative and bookish as possible before drifting off.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Sleeping Dog

12. The Sleeping Dog
Find a dog. Imitate the dog.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Drunken Radiator

11. The Drunken Radiator
Just because you are obviously some kind of gin-addled hobo doesn't mean you can't be nice and warm.

Friday, May 25, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Full Box

10. The Full-Box
Just get your whole damn body in there no matter what it takes. Be the box.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Fur Pile

9. The Fur Pile
For this, you will need at least three friends who are not averse to your sleeping on them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Sleeping Baby

8. The Sleeping Baby
Find a baby. Imitate the baby.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Backstroker

7. The Backstroker
Do not even attempt unless you have tiny, tiny, precious little legs.

Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Half Box

6. The Half-Box
Any old box will do, but two of your feet - preferably on opposite sides of your body - must remain outside the container at all times.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Double Bed

5. The Double Bed
You will need a partner for this one. The goal is not so much comfort as an expression of sheer, unadulterated greed.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Sunbather

4. The Sunbather
The trick is to look like someone who is acting comfortable whilst also appearing extremely uncomfortable. Let's take this excellent opportunity to coin the term "meta-comfortable."

Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Semicircle

3. The Semicircle
Tuck your tail between your legs and imagine that you are an omelet.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Sleep like a Cat - The Awkward Spoon

2. The Awkward Spoon
The goal here is not so much intimacy as it is the socially uncomfortable sharing of a physical space with someone. Bonus points if your arm falls asleep but you're too embarrassed to move it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How to Sleep Like a Cat - The Full Sit Up

1. The Full Sit-up
To achieve the full sit-up, you must begin with the genuine intention of exercising your abs and promptly fall asleep midway through the task. This position is extremely advanced and not recommended for amateur sleepers.

Friday, April 13, 2012

French Cat Existentialist

Cannes, France - - Winner of Wet Cannes Award Describes His Ennui

Henri Deux (2) describes his melancholy in this touching short film that is receiving raves in the art film circuit.

Many years ago, Henri was at the height of his fame - with his visage immortalized in the famous Tournée du Chat Noir poster. These days though, Henri sadly languishes in an apartment - tormented by his past and by his other roomies; a dim white cat, two oblivious budgies and a grey rat.

"I wake to the same tedium" Henri says heartbreakingly, "Immortalized on the wall, forgotten on the floor."

Tournee du Chat Noir, Henry 2 Paws de Deux

Monday, March 5, 2012

Too Much Milk Causes Cat's Tail to Shrink!

got milk cat with no tail

Des Moines, IL - - New Study shows too much milk causes cats' tails to shrink!

This picture says it all. "It's not that Tiger's tail was ever a tail to write home about. It wasn't particularly bushy or long. It was just an ordinary tail," says Emma, "But when milk started to be an addiction, his tail definitely started to shrink and shrink until there was nothing left, not even a nub." She adds "It doesn't seem to bother him much. He hasn't stopped drinking milk."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pocket Gopher Moves into Monrovia

William the Cat and Gopher Hole

Monrovia, CA- - William the Cat Discovers a Gopher in the Backyard

Last week, a pesky pocket gopher known for his year long destruction of a neighbor's front lawn has decided to change digs and moved into our backyard.

Cat rolling near Gopher hole

William, a grey striped kitty with white feet was the first to notice this new intruder who is digging up our grass and under out rose bushes. There would be great concern about the future of the spring garden if there wasn't William's laser, cat-like focus and dedication to monitor the gopher's activities.

Even today, during the rain, William stared at the gopher hole for the entire morning, coming inside only for a little respite before going back to his post.

William the Cat stretching near his pocket gopher hole

There is great hope that the gopher will come to a feline end. Otherwise the Rodenator may be in order.